mandag den 24. februar 2014

New projects

Just a small status update since it have been quite a while since I last posted some news here.. Kvalibrænde I am still working on the briketter and brænde project with kvalibrænde and we are almost done with their new webshop, it will be quite awesome but since it's not ready yet I can't give you the link to it, but check out their old domain it should be live there within a week.
Glogster about SEO and online marketing
My good friend Adam Jordan who normally writes about business intelligence and data mining have recently posted an article of erp systems and erp solutions for larger companies, in this article he used my old company as an example and some of the data i have provided him. Also a pretty good article if you are into this whole ERP stuff or just data mining in general. It's actually quite useful if you plan on taking advantage of all the data you collect instead of just deleting them. Using data you can easier make the right decisions for your business based on facts and real information, something a lot more companies today could benefit from. 
Learn more about online webdesign and webshop creation here at one of these webshop sites here:

Another project I have been working on is a local wifi project where we plan on boosting our routers wifi signal and combining several routers in order to get a full network for the cellphones to access in my local area. By using a webdesign and webshops with piece of software aimed at SEO, marketing and webdesign - connecting 20 routers with it, we are planning on covering a small town in one local wifi network which can be accessed from anywhere saving the users money on both phone calls and data access. Most of you spend around 80% of your town within the same 10 miles radius (yes i know some of you work far from your home, but this is based on statistics and not those few who work or study far away). With the right apps installed on your phone this would mean that you don't pay anything for using your phone 80% of the time which would be quite the benefit for some of the people I know. This project is still in it's early stage so it will most likely be a few more months before the first tests are done. But so far it looks very interesting and I will be enjoying working with this project. My project about tagpap is done and I won't be using any more time on that, it was an ok project but not quite worth the time spend on it. I'll try to keep you guys better updated here, I know I haven't been that good at posting new updates here and being active online, sorry about that.  There is a lot more planned, I just lack the time to publish it right now. Hopefully it shouldn't take that long and within a week the next article should be online here at Billig Billig.

Usability for webdesign solutions

If you are into webdesign and webshops then it's important to consider usability and how you can use a good webdesign to improve your online marketing. Setting up wifi hotsports is a good way of making others aware of your business, but there are many other ways to improve your online visibility with a new webdesign or a magento or woocommerce webshop. Or maby consider one of the new shopware sites - a relativ new system which is super popular these days. More on that in a few months when I get my next blog article ready for public. Until then there are plenty of interresting materials on sites like this and I am sure there is something you would enjoy too.